Scandinavian Silent Film: Victor Sjostrom as Seastrom, Mauritz Stiller, John Brunius, Greta Garbo

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ingmar Bergman, The Magic Lantern Revisited

I would like to include the obiturary I wrote for Swedish Film directors Ingmar Bergman and Vilgot Sjoman as an appendix this this- I have since then been cautioned against using a personal tone and first person narration in academic writing during the lectures included in online classes on essay writing from Denmark and other supplemental classes, but during the interim I had the privilege to complete the online class on Scandinavian Film and Television from the University of Copenhagen, conducted by Professoror Ib Bondebjorg and Professor Caspar Tybjorg. To audiences in the United States it may seem that the work of director actress Liv Ullmann has become quiet and not as noticeable since the death of Ingmar Berman, and that has been reflected by the limited scope of an online class; ironically the review of Ingmar Bergman's last work was written as a news essay where revisions were made weekly to provide an account of his life on Faro Island so that one week an example would read, "Professor Ondebjorg will be conducting a class next month" that would be replaced with "Professor Bondbjorg has concluded his class." Film festivals were added as they occurred. Although unpublished, I am now partially out of print- I was using the span style tags to vary the color of the font and it is not only unreadable, but has corrupted the hypertext. More ironically, the second part, a history of Bergman's filmmaking I had written, has become presently unavailable on the Internet and can only be rewritten. it would therefore belong here. New online classes on Film and film history are opening up this year that allow a glance back to Bergman as well as new classes on theory that begin with a viewpoint of gendered spectatorship before cutting to reverse angles of older models of analysis and criticism. Currently in Scandinavia, there happens to be the shooting of a remake of the films Queen Christina, that had starred Greta Garbo and The Abdication, which had starred Liv Ullmann. Liv Ullmann is currently shooting a remake of the heart-wrenching masterpiece by Alf Sjoberg, Miss Julie. Rather than a polite letter explaining that the disappearance my weblog writing on Swedish Film was unintentional, I will try to piece in, no matter how intermittently, a newer look at Bo Widerberg and the Images of the Magic Lantern. Harvard University currently has on line classes on Literature and during a darker hour but not more difficult hour decades ago, I was there virtually as the guest of Bishop Kirster Stendhal who gave me a moment of conversation in a basement where I had a copy of Strindberg's letters to his wife. The theologian recommended that I read the poet Thomas Transtrommer, who passed away after Ingmar Bergman. He then related the anecdote that he almost married Ingmar Bergman's sister. Victor Sjostrom

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